Steno Brief Machine
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Steno Links
Tired of hopping from website to website to find quality court reporting information?
We've compiled a list of resources for you in one central location.
Steno Videos
Over 650 videos related to court reporting, including exclusive 4-voice dictation.
No more searching - all of your court reporting videos are right here!
Steno Flash Cards
The SimplySteno Flash Cards take things up a notch!
Simply load one of our premade lists, select a speed and start writing!
eBay Deal Search
Looking for a deal on court reporting items?
Leave the searching to us! We've compiled all eBay items by key search terms to save you time.
About Us
Marc Greenberg launched StenoLife in 2003, providing a central location for court reporting students, teachers and working court reporters to gather and exchange information.
Before that, Marc launched, an online website for dictation. From there, he moved to RPRprep, CSRprep, and eventually his own online teaching program, SimplySteno.
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What is StenoLife?
Is there such a thing as too much court reporting information? No... and yes!
The problem isn't the amount - the problem is the location. All that great court reporting information is spread out all over the internet - little nuggets of information everywhere! StenoLife has condensed all that information into one simple source. We update daily, so we hope you visit often.